This workshop includes:

**Intensive Skating Technique Improvement**: Focus on developing and enhancing your skills on ice.
**Musical Sensitivity Shaping**: Learn to synchronize movements with music, creating beautiful on-ice compositions and adding an emotional dimension to your skating.
**Emotion Expression Through Movement**: Master fluid and harmonious movements to better express emotions on ice, focusing on strength, balance, and body control for confidence and stability.
**Individual Coaching Sessions**: Personalized feedback and advice from the coach to tailor learning to individual goals and needs.

During our sessions we will focus on the development and enhancement of your skills on the ice. You'll also learn to synchronize your movements with music, creating beautiful ice compositions and adding an emotional dimension to your performance. During our sessions you will enable you to master fluid and harmonious movements, allowing for a better expression of emotions on ice. We'll concentrate on building strength, balance, and body control, ensuring you feel confident and stable on your skates. You'll learn how to present yourself perfectly on the ice, expressing your personality and artistic vision, delivering unforgettable experiences to the audience.

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Polityka Prywatności | Regulamin

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